H1N1 / Svína flensa

Ég fékk thetta sent um daginn og mér datt í hug ad thid vildud lesa thetta. Thad er sérstaklega thessi lína sem ad ég vildi koma til ykkar: ... virus does not appear to be any more severe than seasonal influenza...
Thad er búin ad vera mikil hrœdsla í fólki, mér líka og thad er gott ad vita hvad er í gangi.

Message sent - 5/8/2009
Swine Flu guidelines from Health Department update


Dear Parents and Guardians:
.... County Public Schools (FCPS) has been working with the ..... County Health
Department to monitor the progression of the 2009 H1N1 influenza (swine flu).
.... County Health Department follows the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and provides
guidance to
the school system. On May 5, the CDC revised its guidelines regarding school closure
on a better understanding of how the virus is evolving. The new guidance from the
CDC does
not recommend closing schools.
While the spread of the H1N1 flu from person to person continues, the severity of
the virus does not appear to be any more severe than seasonal influenza. However,
.... County Health Department is recommending the following:
; Keep children with influenza-like symptoms (fever plus a cough or sore throat) at
home and
out of school for at least seven days, even if symptoms go away sooner. If children
are still
sick after the seven-day period, keep them at home until at least 24 hours after the
symptoms have ceased. If children have flu-like symptoms, they should not
participate in
any school activities, including school age child care (SACC), or be out in the
except to seek medical care.
• If a child appears to have an influenza-like illness when he or she arrives at
school, a parent
or guardian will be notified and asked to pick up the child. Please ensure that your
has your contact information and that you pick up your child if you are called.
• Help your child understand the importance of covering his or her nose and mouth
coughing or sneezing. Also, emphasize washing hands with soap and water, especially
after a cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based sanitizers are also effective when soap and
are not available. Avoid contact with those who have flu symptoms. Please model these
behaviors for your child.
I greatly appreciate your help as we work together to reduce the spread of
influenza. We
assure you that .... County Public Schools and .... County Health Department will continue to follow this situation.

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2 Smámynd: Sporðdrekinn


Sporðdrekinn, 12.5.2009 kl. 21:25

3 Smámynd: Hannes

Ég hef engar áhyggjur af svínaflensunni. If i am gonna die i am gonna die.

Kveðja Hannes.

Hannes, 12.5.2009 kl. 23:07

4 Smámynd: www.zordis.com

Oink oink ... Óhugguleg staða sem skapaðist og sem betur fer er allt á bataleið.

Skinkukveðja frá þeirri stirðu!

www.zordis.com, 12.5.2009 kl. 23:19

5 Smámynd: Sporðdrekinn

Hannes alltaf jafn svalur ;o)

hahaha ég elska beikon! Er konan med hardsperrur? :o)

Sporðdrekinn, 13.5.2009 kl. 02:29

6 Smámynd: Hannes

Þýðir eitthvað annað? Við drepumst öll einhvern tímann.

Hannes, 14.5.2009 kl. 10:29

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